Monday, March 30, 2009


officially, all the classes for this semester (dis '08 - april '09) was finished...a bit of relief BUT not much because the examination is coming in less than 1 week...for sure i'm also feel the "stress"...
so, additional classes for my beloved students during this study week...i'm not gonna force u to come, but there will be some last tips for your examination...think twice eh students...the schedule is as below:

EEF = Wednesday, 10 am
LINUX = Thursday, 10 am
SF = Friday, 10 am

make sure u bring all the materials that i've gave to u...we'll discuss in class...SEE U...!!!

new layout

seriously, i'm getting bored of my blog's interface or what we call it as i try to explore new layout...but i end up without knowing which layout should i choose...these are the layouts that attract me...but nothing's changing...yet...i'll do it in future...huhu...can u make a choice for me...??? help me eh...TQ...=)

mau tgk ini filem la...!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

there are questions in life that do not have definite answers...

kadang2...kalau org tanye soalan, pernah tak korang bagi jawapan camni :

emh tak sure la.
aku rase betul kot.
aku bagitau nnt eh.KIV dulu.
kalau tak silap, dia ni anak pak mat blakang umah tu.

pernah berada dalam situasi camni?
keadaan dimana korang tak tau sameade jawapan korang tu betul ke tak.
at least soalan tu fakta.contohnya :

planet bumi wujud tak?
keje mane?
Linux tu ape?
birthday ko bile?

soalan kat atas boleh dijawab ngan mudah.
cube soalan2 ni plak:

nak makan katne arini?
antara hanis & azahari, sape paling maskulin?
nak tgk cite talentime ke confessions of a shopaholic?
nissan latio sport ke suzuki swift lagi best?

susah2.tak tau nak jwb ape.tapi sure ade jawapan kan???
point aku kat sini adalah tak sume soalan ade jawapan yg pasti.
yg penting korang kene yakin ngan maklumat yg korang ade.
improve jawapan dari semasa ke semasa.
ikut kesesuaian masa & keadaan.
sume akan jadi mudah!


53 & 51

today is 25th March 2009...happy birthday to mak & ayah...!!!
yes, they're sharing the same birth date...

ayah is 53 & mak is 51
to mak & ayah...
semoga berbahagia hidup kalian & dilimpahkan rezeki oleh-Nya...
extremely love both of u...!!!

terimalah kek yg x seberapa ni...=)

from us :

for our lovable mak & ayah...=)~Mr. Abdullah & Mdm Rokiah~

Sunday, March 22, 2009

School Holiday

cuti skolah dh start sabtu mggu lps, tp kami sekeluarga baru nk g bercuti mggu ni sbb menunggu permata kesayangan mak & ayah pulang dr Perak...bla bla destinasi percutian kami adalah A Famosa Water World Melaka...sblum ni, angah & iwan je yg pnah g tmpt kami dh dpt bygkan camne suasananye nnt...spt yg digambarkan...ia adalah tempat utk bermandi manda...xla teruja bile dh masuk dlm air tuh...perasaan x terkawal...haha...apepun i have a very great time there~

~bersama mak terchenta...ngah tggu ayah bli tiket~

~gelang ni wajib pakai ye...~

pastu kami g taman buaya plak...dh lain tau tmpt ni...x ingt bile last time i went to that jakon pn ade...huhu...mula2 cam x logik je nk g taman buaya, tp perasaan jd lain bile g ngan family ni...mengimbas kenangan lame...serius seronok...!!!

~iwan,berani la tu kononnya...menyampah...!!!haha...~

percutian kami diakhiri dgn having dinner at umbai...eating seafood...segala jenis hidupan laut ade atas meja kami...mmg puas la mkn...nyum2~

dh abis mkn, kami pn bertolak balik ke BP...good bye melaka...walaupun penat, i enjoyed every moment we've spent together...sesekali berkumpul camni, setiap saat harus the Abdullah's much...!!!

~iwan + amir + along + angah + atin = the Abdullah's~

Friday, March 20, 2009

Week 13

today is at the end of week 13...only 1 week left for all classes to end...i feel very glad because i've finish all the syllabus for my subjects... phew~

dear students, now is the time to buckle up your seat belt, sit tight & relax, concentrate...i'm going to bring you to the journey of truth...where you have to put all the entertainment aside for a your modules and do the revision...
don't worry, i'll lead you...just follow me~ MySpace

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Hatiku Kau Luka - Alleycats

Mengapa tak kau katakan dulu
Dirimu sudah berteman
Mengapa kau sanggup mempermainkan
Diriku yang setia

Kalau ku tahu kejamnya dikau
Tak mungkin aku tergoda
Kini apa yang telah terjadi
Kau musnahkan segalanya

Hatiku kau luka
Musnahlah segala harapan
Kini kau pergi tiada kata
Tinggal aku keseorangan

Semoga engkau akan berbahagia
Di samping orang yang kau puja
Biar aku menanggung derita
Selamat tinggal oh kasih

p/s : weh...lagu ni pn best la...akim from AF7 nyanyi pn best gak...!!!

lagu ni best...!!!

Dan Sebenarnya By YUNA
Oh Bulan
Enggan melayan diriku lagi
Pabila air mata membasahi pipi
Dan lagu-lagu di radio seolah-olah memerli aku
Pabila kau bersama yang lain

Adakah perasaan benci ini sebenarnya cinta
Yang masih bersemadi untuk mu
Dan sebenarnya
Ku mengharapkan disebalik senyumanmu itu
Kau juga merindui aku

Ku enggan berpura-pura kubahagia
Ku enggan melihat kau bersama si dia
Oh, ku akui cemburu mula menular dalam diri
Pabila kau bersama yang lain


Pabila kau merenung matanya
Ku rebah jatuh ke bumi
Di saat kau benar-benar mahu pergi
Seperti kubernafas dalam air


p/s : try to google for yuna & her other songs (rocket & deep conversation is recommended)...she amaze me...=)

Friday, March 13, 2009

angin bertiup kencang...!!!

badan penat, kulit dh kurg cerah, mata ngantuk, kaki cramp, jerawat membusut kt muka...faktor2 ni tak mempengaruhi aku langsung utk tidak bekerja hari ni...aku sememangnya sgt bersemangat utk menjalankan tanggungjawab sbg seorg, harus diingatkan...jgn disangka muka yg tenang, comel, cute, cun dan selalu tersenyum ni boleh berhati mulia sepanjang hari ni aku sgt marah...bukan merajuk...!!!angin yg bertiup damai dh jd puting beliung...buat pengetahuan semua org...AKU TAK SUKA MENUNGGU...!!! 5-10minit mgkin boleh dipertimbangkan...more than that is just enough...mgkin aku sgt lembut ngan korg pasni, jgn harap nak nmpk sweet Miss Rai anymore...academic first...!!!


p/s: maafkan aku kalau kate2 di atas sgt meninggi diri...sigh~

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Mission accomplished...!!!

last weekend...on 5th-8th March & another 14 IT+Math lecturers from KPTM Batu Pahat were on moderation session at Genting Highland...we stay at Hotel Seri Malaysia...cantik gak tempat ni...hee~

bengkel ni dimulakan dgn perasmian oleh YAB Dato' Dr
. Mohd Razali Bin Agus, our beloved Rector...then followed by a little briefing by the urusetia...emh, a big changes to the format of the final paper...mata dh tutup, tenangkan hati, rehatkan otak, beristighfar...huh...xnk stress sgt...byk keje nk kene buat lps ni...apepun, kite mkn dulu...nyum2...!!!

we are divided into several groups based on our subject...i'm in NA (Network Architecture) group...this time, i'm responsible for LINUX+EEF paper...additional of SF, the moderation begins...!!!

there are few steps that we have to follow before come to the end of the process or somewhat we call it as CLEAN SET...firstly, our paper have to be moderated by other lecturers from other college...(cam buat resepi memasak je nih...haha)...then...bla bla bla...DONE...!!!

kesimpulannye, xla stress sgt sebenanye...take it easy je...sbb mmg tanggungjwb kan...berbincang dgn lecturers from other college sgt menguntungkan...kite boleh berkongsi ilmu...berkongsi soalan...itu yg penting...!!!ok la...jom tgk gmbr2 nih:

~tujuan utama~

~medan mode-tension~


mereka pun gigih...!!!

~ima & fail sulitnya~

bersuka ria...!!!

~berjalan2 di guangzhou, Genting~

mkn steamboat...!!!

kelegaan terserlah...!!!

mission accomplished...jom balik...!!!

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

i'm in the mood for dance...!!!

last week was the most tiring, challenging , hard, sad, fantastic & emotional week ever...fuh...i just can't imagine how i gonna get through all these without those important individuals around mak & ayah, both of u inspires me a LOT...arjuna, tq dear for being such a wonderful man of mine...friends, a big round of applause to all of u for the non-stop advices...TQ all...!!!

what i've been through...???emh...let's see...i'm preparing myself for not one but 2 interviews...(nk continue in malay lah...hee~)...bukannye x biase interview...cume the last time was on june'08...adela dlm setahun x polish skill nih...gugup+gementar+berdebar2=nervous to the top...!!!hanye Tuhan je tau perasaan ni...Alhamdulillah...dh lps pn...seronok...!!!

so, untuk meraikan pelepasan dr segala2nye...i join the bowling tournament yg dianjurkan oleh student2 KPTM (DIT2/1 & DIT2/3) pd sabtu lps...niatnye nk suke2 je...nk release tension la katekan, tp bile fikir ttg hadiah yg ditawarkan (RM300 for 1st place)...ade gak terasa nk x mng pn...some more, x puas sbb only 1 game je...anyway, well done utk the organizer...event camni mmg happening...pasni wat karaoke plak...hahaha...=P...(p/s: gmbar2 akan di update later eh...tungguuuuu...!!!)

that was last week, for this week BIG events...starting with 4pm, i'm going to be evaluated by mdm jihadah for TLA...Linux class again, same as last semester...i just hope that the lecturing process will run worries rai...!!!on thursday, math+IT lecturers (except sir zuraidin, sir erwandi & mdm fadhilah) , akan bertolak ke genting...bukan utk bersuka hati, tp kami pergi membawa 1 misi penting iaitu final exam paper moderation...tugas yg sgt MENCABAR...btul x kwn2 sekalian...???kami kt sane for 4 days, smpi ahad...lame kan...hrp2 ade la ms free...nk g jln2...!!!

emh...mggu ni x la stress sgt cam mggu lps...terase nk menyanyi smbil menari2 lagu Dancing Queen by ABBA...sape nk join...???

Monday, March 02, 2009


Glory Manchester United...!!!