Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Manchester United vs Malaysian Selection
[[___18th July 2009____]]


{sengih} - part 3

where are you...haish~

p/s : mkn buah apple hijau sorg2~

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

{not happy}

ok, surat dah sampai umah...the result is final
my 1st attempt is fail
never give up rai...cube lagi
bukn sng nak smpi tahap ni...ko bertuah ape
so berdasarkan pengalaman yg ade
next time u will be more prepare
ko x kesah kan pisang nak berbuah byk kali...hee~

froggy dah ade sahabat kat ofis~

(suke sgt, xtau nk mula camne~)
i dpt hadiah birthday tau...
walaupun arini dh 28th April...
xpe2, biar lmbt asalkan dpt...huhuhu...
tgk la ni :

cute kan...???

from who...???
dr ini 3 bdk nakal...TQ so much it~

p/s : sayang korg...!!!

biarlah buah pisang berbuah beberapa kali pun~

(click link above)

i like to share my thoughts about the video clip :

along the journey of your might fall down several, what you gonna do when you fall down?yes...get back up!!!but sometimes you feel like you don't have strength to get back your prediction, you may fail 23 times before you achieve your goal...but it is not the end...don't ever bother bout how many times you try...the thing that matters here is how you gonna finish the journey...if you gonna finish it'll find the way to get back up...just be strong & have faith in'll succeed~

Monday, April 27, 2009

i'm not yet 25~

on 21st April...Journalist Club of KPTM Batu Pahat telah mengadakan 1 trip ke KL utk menyambut my birthday (aku tipu~)...tujuan utama trip ni adalah utk melawat ke Media Prima...menarik kan? sbb tu aku bermati-matian offer diri utk join trip ni (tipu lg~)

kami bertolak lebih kurang pkul 730am...the trip goes lalalalaaaaa (maknenye gembira~)...yg penting nk g TV3 nih...smpi situ around 245pm...lawatan kami diketuai oleh Mr. Shahrin (if i'm not mistaken)...he lead us melawat setiap set pengambaran rancangan TV3 spt MHI, WHI, Scoreboard, Buletin Utama etc...yg paling best, kami dpt tgk Berita Terkini secara langsung...tgk penyampai berita tu dpn mata...wah, jakon nih...that penyampai (Miss Shahida) is so beautiful...maybe sbb solekan & pencahayaan yg bagus tp beliau mmg cantik...!!!byk sgt ilmu baru yg dipelajari...walaupun bukan dlm bidang IT, tp ok la kan...menambah pengetahuan sampingan...berbaloi gak hari kami di TV3...Inspirasi Hidupku~

ok2...dh abis lawatan...kami ke KLCC plak...xde watpe sgt kat sini...cuci mata saje...jln2 then 7pm...we're heading back to BP...kesimpulannye, trip ni menarik & sgt berbaloi...sesekali keluar dr pejabat, lari jauh dr tugasan sbg lecturer...enjoy...!!!hopefully club2 lain yg wujud kt KPTM Batu Pahat ni buat la trip seumpamanya, sesuai dgn objektif club korg...nak join eh...!!!jom tgk gmbr~

tempat kejadian~

kat set Buletin Utama with Mr. Shahrin...our guide for today...tq much~

kat set MHI~

ni lah Miss Shahida yg dimaksudkan...jelita tak beliau???

ok...dah abis jln2 kat media prima...jom melahu plak~

i'm private Malaysian citizen~

last monday...20th April 2009...umurku bertambah lg...buat kali ke 18 (aku tipu...hahaha~)...wah...dah semakin dewasa...di usia ini, aku sudah pun bekerja...Alhamdulillah...the day goes just fine...ucapan selamat hari lahir dr ahli keluarga amat dinantikan, dr kwn2 juga dan mereka2 yg menyedari akan kehadiran hari bersejarah ni (ayat sgt dramatik~)

aku bersyukur sbb my parents x penah smbut bday aku & adik2 dgn bday party atau limpahan hadiah yg berkotak2...mereka suruh kami bersyukur sbb Tuhan masih bg peluang hidup kt dunia nih...Tuhan masih bg peluang utk mengubah diri supaya jd insan yg lebih hebat...walaupun aku sudah terlepas dr tanggungjawab mrk, i'm still their daughter...maksudnye, aku kene mintak izin kalau nk kuar umah, kene balik awal, parents kene kenal kwn2 aku, ape aku buat kat luar dan mcm2 lg...i admit that sometimes rase terkongkong dorg buat camtu ade sbb...kalau atin ade latihan bola baling kt sekolah pn aku risau, so serba sedikit aku boleh paham naluri mak & ayah...huh~

sambutan hari lahir kali ni cam tahun2 lps gak...wishes + hugs + kisses...sudah cukup...dr segi kebendaan plak...jumlah agak menurun...huhuhu...aku dpt hadiah ni dr Sang Pencinta Puteri Raifana (wek~)...tadaa...i smell nice because of this FCUK for her perfume ...TQ dear...!!!(dpt cake gak...chocolate indulgence from secret recipe...wee~)

ape lg nk cite eh, tq gak kt kwn2 lame yg x lupe bday aku...xkira la korg wish cpt or lambat...yg penting niat tu smpi kt aku~

just hoping for my days ahead will be greater that ever...kpd org2 tersayang (family, frens, arjuna & si buncit...hehe~)...terima kasih di atas segala sokongan + dorongan + dokongan + galakan yg non-stop terhadap aku...aku sgt menghargainya~

red + purple + green = WHITE

deep giler lagu nih...Thinking of You by Katy Perry...jom nyanyi~

Comparisons are easily done
Once you've had a taste of perfection
Like an apple hanging from a tree
I picked the ripest one
I still got a seed

tp verse ni paling touching...nyanyi semula~

You're the best
And yes
I do regret
How I could let myself
Let you go
Now the lesson's learned
I touched it
I was burned
Oh...I think you should know

the song ends with this verse~

Looking into your eyes
Oh won't you walk through
And bust in the door
And take me away
Oh no more mistakes
Cause in your eyes I'd like to stay

sun + star + clouds = .......................

Friday, April 24, 2009

labah-labah dah salah balik umah

fuh...fuh...haish...uhuk2 (bunyi batuk yg berterusan)

blog ini dah berhabuk...
lame x update...4 hari kot...
busy la (aku x tipu ok!!!)

what's new?
nnt la aku kecohkan...
tenet slom tahap labi2 ni...
menyampah plak aku...
hilang mood nk membebel kt blog terchenta nih...

later eh...chow~

binatang ni berlari lebih laju dr tenet busuk...wek!
tp deep in my heart, aku syukur ade tenet kt umah...insaf~

Monday, April 20, 2009

Jumaat Keliwon

cite ni serius buat aku gigil to the top...
full of excitement and entertainment~

Berbatov & Ferdinand...i love u man...!!!

p/s : mane CR...haish...!!!


among messages in my inbox...i love yours the most...
last is at 1219am - 20 April 2009~

~sekadar hiasan~

Sunday, April 19, 2009

don't think who you are but know who you are

bile mengharapkan sesuatu & akhirnye x dpt...aku mula la nk marah2 dan kecewa x tentu perasaan2 negatif tu beransur hilang dan pudar bile tgk awan yg cantik, bermain teka-teki dan menanda kertas Linux...serius, aku x tipu...korg boleh cube buat benda2 ni :
  1. melihat awan yg biru dan gebu, try la amek tangga or sewa kete bomba kt sebelah kolej tu or gune trampolin ke..mane tau boleh capai...pastu boleh tyg kat sahabat handai...seronok kan?mst perasaan bangga tu x terbendung...hahaha...
  2. ok, cube jwb teka-teki ni -->byk2 tikus, tikus ape yg berkaki dua? pastu try yg ni plak...byk2 itik, itik ape yg berkaki dua? hah...try la...(kredit to si buncit sbb buat aku nk jotos kepala beliau 23kali...sengal!!!)
  3. skang ni, aku ngah marking paper Linux,bahagian paling menarik adalah kt answer booklet...kt section "LECTURER NAME"...paling best, aku mendpt name ini...Miss Rihanna...seronok aku jd artis buat sementara waktu nih...terus rase nk nyanyi--->i don wanna do this anymore, i don wanna be the reasons why, everytime i walk out the door...dh2, menangis Rihanna dgr aku menyumbangkan lagu beliau...
mcm2 lg perkara berfaedah yg korg boleh buat...aku dh semakin pandai menggunakan mase yg terluang dgn pelbagai aktiviti...i'm a true survivor ...aku tetap kental~ (berlagak je ko nih rai)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

anda patut berdiri dan bertepuk tangan dgn meriah...!!!

arini hari akhir exam kt KPTMBP nih...(seronok la korg eh)...aku kt ofis ketika ini...kene standby utk paper far xde prob kot...tugasan menanda kertas jwpn student2 kesayangan akan disambung isnin (20 April 2009) nnt...setakat ni baru selesai marking paper SF...pencapaian???haish malas nk cite...tggu je la result korg...students akan start bercuti for about 3 months...lame tuh...sunyi la hati eh kolej ni...ape nk buatkan, walaupun tiada kelibat pelajar2 kt sini...kami (lecturers) tetap kene dtg ofis, mengerjakan hal2 yg patut...ape nk buat ek selama xde klas utk dileterkan ni...tggu je la...mst ade je kursus or kerja mendatang...gigih la semua...!!!

{sengih} - part 2

out from no come & save me from the dark...tq much~

p/s : liverpool vs chelsea...long live liverpool...huhu~

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

ade betulnya...

aku boring g bukak facebook..tetibe suke plak nk buat quiz2 yg agak sengal nih...klik sane...klik sini...exploring...loading...hah...nk wat quiz ni la, tajuk : Anda ni perempuan spesis apa?

siap!dh jwb...hasil??? nk bgtau...

anda pemalu, b'sopan santun, dan sentiasa b'usaha menjadi orang yang b'sederhana (chewah). apa pun yang anda buat anda akan ikut adat dan aturan. ke mana anda pergi orang akan tertarik dengan ke-originalan anda (betul kot...haha). walaupun ada yang mengatakan anda kolot dan tak up to date (pedulikah aku?), tu adalah pilihan anda dan anda suka begitu. teruskan usaha m'jadi lebih baik (i will~).

betul kan...?kan?kan?kan? obsession la...=P

anggun kan kasut was stunning...!!!

collegue : apsal obsess to shoes?
me : for me
me : it builds confidence
me : since i'm in primary school
me : rase kasut pamerkan who u are
me : for me lah

collegue : ohhh..... it some sort of smelly storage device.....hahaha....
me : hehe
me : ish
me : jaga la jgn kasi smelly
me : that's why kene byk kasut
me : pakai lain2
me : klu hari2 yg same
me : mmg la busuk

collegue : what a smelly little melly + a little toe + "cagu".....owhhhh duhhh....
collegue : hahahahha
me : bli saiz yg sesuai
me : tp sy agak susah cari saiz
me : i'm american size
me : muahahahaha

collegue : american size .... ???....sure muat ni kasut saya....
me : hahahaha

p/s : motif post ni adalah...i want this purple shoes so badly!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009


from the moment i open my eyes...

you appears in my mind...

your messages...

your words...

always make me smile through out the day...

thank you for being so close to my heart...

pampered me...

never fail to entertain me...

i like your "sengal" much...

heart says : i don't mind if you don't feel the same way as i do...

p/s : jiwang...!!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Teman Tidur~

ade org boleh tdo tanpa bantal...atas lantai or sofa pn boleh terlelap...(hehe...=P)ade org lain plak, klu nk tdo...mst ade teman...contoh2 teman yg dimaksudkan adalah berupa anak patung, pooh the bear,katak berwarna hijau, bantal busuk & mcm2 lg...penah x dgr this kind of phrase : jgn tdo ngan anak patung, nnt mlm2 dia amek nyawa kite...mst penah kan?nasihat ni dtg dr our parents la normally...xnk kite peluk anak patung tu bwk tdo...suatu ms dulu, mak aku penah bgtau yg "nates" suke kt anak, aku pn x penah la ade anak patung utk dibawa tdo...sebenanye, smpi skang aku x tau ape alasan yg kukuh utk nasihat tersebut...aku buat penggulungan sendiri:
  • mgkin rambut anak patung tu masuk hidung pastu boleh melemaskan kite...
  • kpd mrk2 yg tdo ganas, sure la anak patung tu derita lalu patah here & there...nnt nk mintak bli baru kt parents korg...klu aku, jgn harap la...
  • mgkin, kehadiran anak patung tu buat katil korg penuh...mule la rase diri tu bsr...lalu mintak katil baru juga...mengade-ngade...!
**ape lg? meh la share...

apepn...sblum tdo, make sure korg bersih...kaki dh basuh...muka dh basuh...sume la...bc doa tdo, surah 3 kul,ayat kursi...selawat ke atas nabi...baru tdo...semoga tdo korg nyenyak tanpa gangguan~

klu ade patung2 ni...halakan ke dinding...sorokkan...

Friday, April 10, 2009


this is my 100th entry...yeah...!!!
no story to share...
just nak ucap tahniah kt diri sendiri...
kpd pemilik blog nih (Fabulous Raifana)
keep up a good writing ye...kamu boleh...!!!

eh sibuk la kau...!!!

ok, aku dh nonton JANGAN TEGUR...emh, ape yg aku boleh simpulkan filem ini sgt typical...jln cite boleh agak dr mula smpi habis...kesan2 mengejutkan mcm that "thing" lalu tetibe, muncul tetibe...dh biasa sgt aku mengaku aku masih terkejut dan xleh dok diam gak...huhu...pelakon2 pn sgt typical...Piere Andre as the main character (sbb ni filem David Teo punye la)...pak cik bomoh plak yg belakon Niyang Rapik tuh (Tok Dalik)...watak jahat yg berpura2 baik (by Elly Suriati) & mangsa keadaan (Julia Ziegler)...hah...aku sentiasa menanti filem seram melayu yg betul2 boleh menggugat kebolehan vokal aku...

sebenanye bukan nk cite psal filem ni,
aku nk bgtau ttg keadaan dlm pawagam tu yg sgt bising ngan lawak bodoh dr mereka2 yg konon2 x takut...buat2 gelak setiap kali that "thing" melintas...pastu bersorak ramai2 macam tgk Manchester United kalahkan Aston Villa...ish, hangin2...mmg ade certain part yg kelakar tp klu ketawa dh mcm badut, sape yg boleh tahan...dh la rai, ko ni byk sgt merungut...fuh~

p/s : so, aku dh sokong filem melayu...korg g la tgk klu nk tgk...

Thursday, April 09, 2009

what's up?!

tgk atas ni
cantik x...?

Laju & Garang + dyana + mimi + ima + azahari + ein (adik ima) went to BPMall to watch a movie...among movies listed, FAST & FURIOUS was the lucky one...kami dpt seat ke-3 dr depan (the pawagam were full, sbb hari cuti)...agak dekat ngan screen... pemandangan yg sgt jelas...
mcm 3D pn ade...huhu...
kesimpulan : BEST...two thumbs up...!!!

p/s : sape2 yg blom nonton ini filem...g la tgk eh~

Tuesday, April 07, 2009


a friend of mine introduced to me this MACBETH brand...
emh nice...ok bloggers, go googling now.
byk2 product kat situ...mataku tertarik ngan bj ini...
klu kt Malaysia, MACBETH Store ade kt area KL...
so, my birthday is just few days ahead...
nk bj ni as present boleh ke???hehe...=P

p/s : kasut kamu mmg nice~

Monday, April 06, 2009

Best Wishes~

Saturday, April 04, 2009

ape aku buat ni???

aku risau...keliru...xde arah skang ni...pg2 lg aku dh terpengaruh ngan kau...ingt kau...angau ngan kau...klu ikut hati nih, x sanggup nk ckp psal kau sgt berjaya mempengaruhi aku...serius aku xtahan ngan godaan kau...smpi kt ofis...otak laju je pk nk jmpe kau...rindu tau x...akhirnya ade gak org yg phm dgn naluri aku, terus je bwk aku jmpe kau...kami terus je jmpe kau...smbil jmpe kau...kami cite hal2 negara, our 6th PM,meeting koop,flyfm ade topik psal the most ridiculous rules at school,dy tdo umah mimi mlm td,solat hajat(ok,ckup2...hee~)...mcm2 cite sbb jd semangat bile jmpe kau...ckup la ttg kau utk sesi pg ni...

beberapa jam pastu, aku ingt kau lg...jd aku hiasi deskchom (meja aku la, ni nama manja beliau) dgn kau...baru lega perasaan berlalu tik tok tik tok...yes, lunch time...aku nk g jmpe kau...teruja half dead...aku x g sorg...sbb aku agak segan klu jmpe kau sorg2...smpi di tempat kejadian...kau dh menunggu...aduh, kau mmg menguji aku sbg seorg wanita...saat2 bersama kau aku nikmati dgn berhati2 & penuh khusyuk...aku xnk tggalkan kau wlupn sedikit...ok la, nk balik ofis sbb ade meeting lg jmpe lg eh kau...bye~

the meeting goes bla bla bla...finish!!!nk jmpe kau lg...seronok2...kau dh berubah...dr pg, lunch...skang dh ptg...kau mmg unexpected...dtg dlm pelbagai rupa...hebat,aku kagum (mata bersinar, sparkling2)...selesai ngan kau...balik umah...jgn risau rai, jp lg boleh jmpe kau lg...

seperti dijangka...aku akan jmpe kau mlm ni...aku bwk famili skali...kali ke-4 utk hari ni...mmg terubat rindu...sok xtau lg...sebenanye aku nk kurgkan kadar kite berjumpe...aku dh mula risau & panic...sume org dh tegur...aku xnk rosakkan ms dpn aku ngan aku harap kau faham...kau mmg hebat, aura kau terlalu kuat sehinggakan aku x jemu nk jmpe cukup la setakat ni...demi kebaikan aku...mgkin kau akan kata aku pentingkan diri sendiri, sombong, bongkak and what so ni la hakikatnya...mulai sekarang, kite minimumkan saat2 bersama...boleh eh MAKANAN???

badan aku dh sgt berisi sbb kau...x fit la...aku akan cube buang kau...jgn amek hati tau...rasenya lebih baik aku berundur sblum aku syg kau sgt2...bye dear~

tgk la pipi tu, mcm ikan emas pn ade...huhu...=P

Friday, April 03, 2009


p/s : karya kali ni agak dull...but the meaning behind it...deeply torturing...~

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

I Will Be by Leona Lewis

There's nothing I could say to you
Nothing I could ever do to make you see
What you mean to me
All the pain, the tears I cried
Still you never said goodbye and now I know
How far you'd go

I know I let you down
But it's not like that now
This time I'll never let you go

**I will be, all that you want
And get myself together
Cause you keep me from falling apart
All my life, I'll be with you forever
To get you through the day
And make everything okay

I thought that I had everything
I didn't know what life could bring
But now I see, honestly
You're the one thing I got right
The only one I let inside
Now I can breathe cause you're here with me

And if I let you down
I'll turn it all around
Cause I would never let you go


Cause without you I can't breathe
I'm not gonna ever, ever let you leave
You're all I've got, you're all I want (Oh)
Cause without you I don't know what I'd do
I can never, ever live a day without you
Here with me, do you see
You're all I need


I will be all that you want
And get myself together
Cause you keep me from falling apart
And all my life you know I'll be with you forever
To get you through the day
And make everything okay


in the middle of the nite...i called arjuna because he wants to tell me a BIG thing...dlm kepala dh berkata2, apsal la plak ni...nk dijadikan citer...the conversation goes like this :

{perbualan diubah sket...hee~}
him : sy nk bgtau nk amek mood...
me : (diam je...tggu & tggu)
him : sy nk mintak duit (ni yg aku dgr)
me : hah? emh..ok je...(dlm ms yg same...aku pelik gak,xpenah dia mintak duit kt aku)
him : ok je?np?
me : ok la...
him : np?
me : (aku dh serabut...ape ni?) emh...awk nk ape sebenarnye ni?
him : sy nk bgtau ni...u've been prank!!!
me : (blur) hah???x phm...awk mintak ape td?
him : sy mintak break...
me : break?sy dgr duit...Photobucket
{ketawaan kami memecah kesunyian mlm...hahaha...}

his niat was to fool mlgnya, xjd...patut la arjuna tnye "np?"...sepatutnye soalan tu dtg dr aku...huhu...apepun, u make me laugh...btul ni, smpi skarang pn x berhenti lg...=P