Friday, March 18, 2011

simplicity is the ultimate sophistitication.


those were the pictures that we cam-whore with my not so clear web cam, last semester during a very chaotic friday of ISO week :)

it was also my first time of wearing tudung awning or some people might call it as tudung ekin, tudung wardina, tudung whoever celebs that wear hijab, just name it. once i told myself that i'm not going to wear this kind of tudung because it will broaden the area of my chubby full with scar cheek :P and also i will look like makcik nak pegi pasar tani jual sayur sort of thingsss. HAHA.

but now, i like to wear it very much !! takde lah macam makcik sangat kan. since aku yang muda belia ni pakai dengan kemas dan letak brooch cantik cantik kat tudung tu :) setiap kali pegi pasar, mesti cari tudung awning nih. aku tak beli kat butik ke hape, pegi pasar je. sehelai RM10. kadang kadang, 2 helai RM15. murahhh !! YES, I DO LIKE CHEAP THINGSSS. DON'T YOU?

oh lagi 1, kalau anda semua perasan bahawa saya tak pakai make-up. bukan ape, leceh ah. nanti nak solat kene berteleku lama lama dalam toilet cuci make-up. dalam toilet kan banyak syaitan. maka i tak suka berteleku lama lama dalam toilet :P another reason, aku rasa muka aku berat kalau pakai make-up nih. terasa cantik pon ada. HAHA :P so untuk memudahkan semua pihak terutama diri sendiri, aku cuma pakai foundation, tepek compact powder and blusher sikit kasi merah merah ayu muka tu :P kadang kadang aku pakai eye-shadow. lipstik lagilahhh kadang kadang. rimas. huuu~

"BEAUTY gets the attention, PERSONALITY gets the heart"

peace y'all :)

3 tukang tilik:

BaM_kAnGkOnG said...

haha sgt2 ayu kan. hik hik hik

ima said...

mekap tebal-tebal watpe?? plastik kot? haha *sarcasm


bam = terima kasih :)

ima = haha. plastik kan? benci benci !!